Weight Loss Diet Plan

Which Diet Plan for Weight Loss?

The media is full of so many ways to lose weight, lots of strange and faddy diets that promise the earth and produce little if no real results. Trawling through all the information can be a job in itself. It can be very confusing and difficult to know where to begin. It seems every month

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Battle Ropes Workout

Battle Rope Workout

If you’re looking for a fast-paced workout that burns calories and builds muscle at the same time, then battle ropes it is! Like TRX (total resistance exercises), battle rope workouts add a bit of fun to a training routine. So, if you’re up for something new or perhaps you’re looking for ways to add to

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Keto Diet vs AI Diet

Keto Diet Plan vs AI Diet

You’ve most probably heard about the Keto Diet – it certainly is one of the most popular diets out there. Individuals across the globe have had success with its low-carb high-fat eating plans and many doctors swear by its effectiveness for both overall health and weight loss. However, like with most things in life, there’s

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Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts

The best bodybuilding exercises for muscle gain and how they can aid weight loss How do you gain muscle or are you looking for the best bodybuilding workouts? What exercises give your muscles the stimulus they need to adapt and get bigger? Not to mention helping you lose fat and improve body definition. Compound exercises

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Calories in Sugar

Calories in Sugar and Weight Loss

Added sugar intake leads to weight gain and increased body fat. These sugars can be found in sugary cereals, sweetened drinks, baked goods and sweets. It is also a cause for chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Adding just one teaspoon of sugar to a cuppa tea never seemed like a

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